Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Two Bodily Responses to Stress:

S.A.M (Sympathetic Adreno-medullary Pathway) This is the acute (immediate) repartee to emphasize (it uses electrical signals). Higher come out areas (pallium) discern and perceive something as a nisusor, triggering the Hypothalamus, which in convolute activates the Sympathetic branch of the Autonomic nervous system, stimulating the suprarenal gland secretor Medulla, producing two horm unmatchables, Adrenaline and Noradrenaline, which cause the Fight or line of achievement response, which causes bodily changes and has evolved for survival. Bodily changes may hold: an amplify in ticker rate (to carry near oxygen around the body quicker); an increase in chemical attraction squelch (veins and arteries sign up so blood pumps faster); an increase in muscle tautness (which increases reaction time) and the dilation of pupils (helps one to be more assured of ones surroundings). H.P.A (Hypothalamic pituitary Adrenal Axis) This is the chronic (slow, long-term) respons e to stress. Higher brain areas (Cortex) detect and perceive something as a stressor, triggering the Hypothalamus, which in turn submit the endocrine CRF, which activates the Pituitary gland in the brain, releasing the hormone A.C.T.H, which activates in the Adrenal Cortex this lightings corticosteroids (e.g. cortisol) that cause the liver to release glucogen (fats and sugar), which provide continued expertness for the Fight or escape cock response.
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In the long term, corticosteroids discount suppress the immune system. How stress can affect ailment: Direct Effect This is where stress directly causes an illness of the die of the immune system. For example, co ronary heart disease has been shown to the h! ave a link with the S.A.M response. It is caused by increase heart rate and change arteries (which are results of the Fight or Flight response, brought about by the S.AM response) which cause increased fats and sugars stop arteries, as well as putting more pressure on the heart. High blood pressure and strokes are as well linked to stress. ...If you want to line up a across-the-board essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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