Friday, November 8, 2013

Hydrogen Bonding

When is a henry marry not a heat content Bond? The Need for a Quantum-mechanically Consistent Definition University of Kentucky, Lexington KY 20-21 October 2003 Roger A. Klein engraft for physiologic Chemistry Medical Faculty University of Bonn, Germany R.A. Klein - Lexington KY, October 2003 What is a heat content Bond? R.A. Klein - Lexington KY, October 2003 What is a total heat Bond? s richness of Hydrogen Bonding eloquent water and ice - protic solvents s solution structure and hydration crustal plate - ionic and non-ionic solutes s protein crease s purine/pyrimidine (GC/AT(U)) base-pairing in nucleic acids s chemical and enzymatic reactions s R.A. Klein - Lexington KY, October 2003 s s the interaction between an electron-deficient hydrogen broth corpuscle with a centre of relative electron excess, e.g., damaging atoms such as F, N, or O, or with a ?-electron obliterate Morokuma dissolution: electrostatic (65%), polarisation (24%) and c harge-transfer (11%) for water dimer - Mó et al. [2000] electrostatic / covalent resonance hydrid (Pauling) Isaacs et al. [1999] R.A. Klein - Lexington KY, October 2003 Monomeric water Properties of the Group VI Hydrides cl 100 °C 50 MW FPt. BPt. 0 -50 -100 H2O R.A. Klein - Lexington KY, October 2003 H2S H2Se H2Te R.A.
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Klein - Lexington KY, October 2003 1 Isaacs; Shukla; Platzmann; Hamann; Barbiellini; Tulk; Phys. Rev. Lett. 1999, 82, 600 Isaacs; Shukla; Platzmann; Hamann; Barbiellini; Tulk; Phys. Rev. Lett. 1999, 82, 600 Ice I R.A. Klein - Lexington KY, October 2003 R.A. Klein - Lexington KY, October 2003 dim Hydrogen Bonds (VDW compl exes) ==>> Strong Hydrogen Bonds (cis-en! ols) Nitromalonamide enol ...... CF3H.....H2O TS CH4.....H2O R.A. Klein - Lexington KY, October 2003 R.A. Klein - Lexington KY, October 2003 Hydrogen-Bonding s Acceptor-Donor -H...A typically -H...O- or -H...N(a) -H...A-X list (b) -H...A- distance s Geometry...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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