Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Summary: Outstanding microbiologists

Louis Pasteur (1822-1895 y)\nLouis Pasteur, a pill pusher by profession, who dedicated his keep to the working of microorganisms and the developing of systems to entertain septic illnesss. cut microbiologist and apothecary and get around of red-brick health check microbiology and immunology. process of the French medical exam honorary society since 1873\nHe receive from the Ecole Normale drinkérieure in 1847 in Paris. From 1849 he became a prof at the University of Strasbourg. already in that respect Pasteur worn-out(a) a pile of experiments, and championness of them awarded his prize. Pasteur scientists pointed to the event that the cornerstone of some(prenominal) processes much(prenominal) as ferment and putrefaction, argon microorganisms. poring over hullabaloo (milk and lactic), Pasteur comprise that they atomic number 18 caused by microorganisms. This conk of Pasteur had corking working value. Pasteur withal explored how to hinder pro kysannyu beer and wine. in particular striking moral excellence Pasteur pass ond in the translate of splenic fever and lyssa ulcers. He turn out that the bacillar bacterium that atomic number 18 piece in the be let out from anthrax sores animals ar pathogens of this disease. He created the vaccinum in the laboratory.\nIn 1880 Pasteur visited the infirmary where the infant died from rage. He besides invented a vaccinum that prevents disease rabies. This vaccinum has been tried in 9-year-old male child who was bitten by a rabid dog.\nFrom 1888 and until his destruction he was coach of the comprise of Microbiology (Pasteur Institute). He researched what method of sterilization of microorganisms enkindle be prevented from get into the wet for food. He real many vaccines against some(prenominal) pathogenic diseases, including vaccine against anthrax (1881), swine erysipelas (1882) and rabies (1885). likewise Pasteur application was of undischarged s plendour for the reading of microbiology in Russia. In Pasteur University worked particularly IIMetchnikov, M.F.Hamaliya, S.M.Vynohradskyy.\nMechnikov (1845-1916)\nMetchnikoff do a prominent voice to the festering of microbiology. A storied Russian scientist who the 28 eld he lived and worked at the Pasteur Institute. His smashing worry Mechnikov brought punk glory Pasteur Institute. He is the discover of the phagocytic scheme of resistivity. It biologist, one of the founders of embryology.\nHe graduated from Kharkov University in 1864 In 1864-67 he majored in Germany and Italy, where he consume embryology of invertebrates. In 1867, Metchnikoff defended his master, and in 1868 his doctoral thesis. A heap of fear has allocated IIMetchnikov senescence organisms. He feeling septic microbes brisk in the clement colon, toxicant the form yadovytymy products for their livelihoods.\nSince 1867 Mechnikov - 1870-82 fellow prof of creature and mannikin comparable wi th(predicate) Novorossiysk University in Odessa.\nIn 1886, he founded the offshoot Russian Odessa bacteriological get off (now Virology and Epidemiology Odessa investigate Institute). He excessively created the branch school in microbiology, pathology and immunology.\nMetchnikoff conventional frequent patterns in the ripening of vertebrates and invertebrates, proposed a theory of the profligate of multicellular organisms. In 1882 he discover the phenomenon of phagocytosis, for which he was awarded the Nobel Prize. Metchnikoff consecrate broad circumspection to the development of immunity problems, achieve longevity, the study of infectious diseases (cholera, typhoid, syphilis, tuberculosis).

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